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Change can be difficult even when the need is clear. How agile is your organisation?

Updated: May 7, 2022

The war in Ukraine is not only a lesson for the world community and global leaders. It issues a challenge to all of us as individual - especially to those of us in leadership roles.

The global world order has not been adapting to meet a changing world. It holds itself in place and rejects any real change. If you need evidence, just look at the way in which the Security Council of the UN prevents united action against Putin AND at the same time holds itself in place. The Security Council is a vestage of an old world, with authority vested in a few 'old powers' each of whom can veto any change that reduces their own influence. Our global future demands change, but existing systems are powerfully entrenched.

At first glance it may not be obvious, but most of our own organisations have the same challenge. Existing systems of governance control and limit change and promote more of the same thinking and action. They only change when forced and even then it is common for changes 'not to stick' over time. In this context, most leaders and their organisations struggle to adapt proactively, let alone pre-emptively, before failures occur.

Is that your organisation? Think not? Are you quite certain? You should check. Take RiskIQ's short (free) Preview Proactive-agility Survey. Or read more at

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Apr 13, 2022

Things have moved on a lot in the last few weeks - yet the story is essentially the same. The same causes are present, and many of the same impacts. And the question for us remains - is our organisation truly agile - or do its culture and systems mostly hold the satuas quo in place?

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