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Capability in uncertainty 
Proactive agility

Your key to:

Fewer avoidable failures
Less crisis management
Continuous adaptation

True agility is the ability to adapt our capabilities today, to meet the needs of tomorrow.

Responding to changes once they happen is costly and slow.  You are always trying to catch-up.


In a complex, unpredictable world, this hard to do. 

It requires an applied systems thinking approach using business systems agility  as the key lead-indicator of future performance.  


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I have a vision for our future.

I can see the next steps.

But we always struggle to adapt  before we are forced to.

How do we break free?

Applied systems thinking enables agile capability building

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Getting to root causes

It's what we're best at

To know how best to change and adapt requires a systems approach to capability.  Only then can you work with confidence on the whole, to achieve sustained, focused capability and performance improvements.

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Leadership in risk and decision making

Frustrated by long experience of avoidable failures and poor risk management in large organisations and complex projects, RiskIQ was created to challenge, update and reframe the risk management status quo.


Our journey to become world leaders in risk and decision making in complex environments has taken many forms:


•    Our leading-edge research began in 2001 as PhD research into risk in complex projects.  It continues today in the form of collaborative research activities with partners and clients.  We really are at the leading edge of thinking and practice.  


•    Over time, we have developed unique new concepts and frameworks and new methods and tools, for effective risk governance and decision making in difficult and complex environments and situations.


•    We have built up decades of real, hands-on experience in many roles and at many levels.  For example in Government agencies, business corporations, not-for-profits and in projects large and small. 


•    We continue to be active in the Institute of Risk Management (IRM) and the Risk Management Institute of Australia (RMIA).  We collaborate with other innovative and like-minded individuals and organisations, including sharing our know-how.


•    RiskIQ’s frameworks, methods and tools are taught at Executive Masters level at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) and in vocational training with the International Centre for Complex Project Management (ICCPM).   
Our journey continues, with a focus on finding ways to help leaders explore and deal with complex challenges in real-time and using the resources they have available.  This is our passion.

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