Lead Systems-capability Feedback
What might leaders ask about this? How does it relate to their wants and needs?
What is it and why should I care?
All their performance indicators are lag.
Their performance indicators indicate gaps in performance – but not what to do about it.
Overload of performance indicators/data – why would I want more?
Go around in circles of changes that don’t work – dejavu
Consultants that come in with broom to sweep and cost a lot
What's this about?

Lead indicators? Sounds like a magic trick. KPI tell us what has happened after it happened!

Okay, maybe not magic but when we try to do that it always seems hit and miss.
It’s about getting ahead of the game, using lead capability indicators to drive adaptation before performance starts to drop

The trick is to continually assess whether your organisation as a system has the capabilities it needs for future success.
If you can do that, you’ll know what to change now, for success going forward. Neat trick, no magic involved.

Yep – thinking hard then deciding based on experience is not always enough. Leaders can make much better judgements with the benefit of insights provided by systemic risk analysis and by well-designed system capability indicators.
Systemic risk analysis finds where and why your organisation has gaps in the capabilities it needs to thrive.
It also does neat things like finding feedback loops that amplify any weaknesses - making failures both more likely and more dramatic.
Hang on. We’ve hired powerful (and expensive) consultants to help us transform our capability. Surely that’s appropriate?

Really. You don’t pull punches, do you?
Okay but we are all working too hard as it is. I’m not sure we have the time or energy to add more workload into our ‘business as usual’.
Not really – big step change transformations are a poor way of adapting. Its much better to build adaptation into business-as-usual.

Anyway, high-priced consultants are not magic. If they don’t use systemic analysis and lead system-capability indicators, they are just guessing …. even when it’s dressed up in glossy presentations. You should fire them.

Understood. We can help you to reduce red tape and low-value work, to make space for stronger, better ways of working.
But when all is said and done, strong risk leadership is needed for success in uncertain, often hostile environments.
Are you ready to make some hard decisions?
Tired of the treadmill of step change, then change again, and again? Want to adapt faster, continually, more easily?
Contact us for an obligation free initial consultation
about your interests, needs and concerns.
Or read on for more information
Systems capability feedback is crucial to systemic risk intelligence. It provides leaders with lead indicators of future performance – and where to apply leverage
for sustained improved outcomes.
Most leaders don’t have any way to assess Systemic Risk intelligence. They don’t know how capable their organisation is of seeing, understanding and responding to complex, interconnected or emerging risk factors. This is a crucial root cause of future failures.
Implementing continuous systems-capability feedback is an enabler of both transformational change – and of ongoing adaption to emerging requirements.

RiskIQ’s enables transformation in performance by working with leaders to build Systemic Risk Intelligence
Working with leaders and their teams, RiskIQ’s aim is to enable capability and performance transformation.
This cannot be a single event or
initiative. Continual systems
capability feedback is an essential catalyst for learning and adaptation as the world (and our needs) change.
It provides the lead indicators needed for systems performance transformation

RiskIQ’s Systemic Risk Intelligence capability maturity survey tests for the deep underlying systemic capabilities required for performance in uncertainty. Data from the survey is used to provide a maturity profile based on eight systemic capability drivers, in four quadrants.
The profile is a catalyst for conversation and new insights for leaders. Deeper analysis of survey results is used to find hidden or subtle capability gaps , why they exist, and how they can be reduced or removed.
RiskIQ’s Systemic Risk Intelligence capability maturity model
Traditional risk management maturity models measure compliance to a standard, not the capability to make decisions in uncertainty.
The Systemic Risk Intelligence Capability Maturity Model is different. It is built on the deep root-cause lead indicators of effective leadership and the ability to work in complex, uncertain environments and situations.
Most organisations, even those with well developed Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) frameworks, achieve at best about 2.5 out of 5 on the SRI capability maturity scale.

This explains why apparently well governed organisations experience avoidable crises and also why they struggle to transform their performance.
Their true ‘performance in uncertainty’ maturity is much lower than traditional risk management maturity models would indicate.
Huge advantages are available to organisations who can transform their Systemic Risk Intelligence capability beyond the limits of traditional risk management thinking and methods.
Organisational System Design Capability (Systemic OD)
Capability lead indicators are essential for effective adaptation.
That said, it is possible to make things worse if our response is flawed. Having the ability to design and implement successful organisational system changes is also crucial. Otherwise the changes made will lead to ‘more of the same’ experiences.
That is why Organisational System Design Capability (Systemic OD) is one of the five essential elements of Systemic Risk Intelligence Framework.
Lead Systems-capability Feedback AND effective Organisational System Design Capability when used together can revolutionise your ability to adapt quickly, effectively and within minimum stress.
They are essential for organisations and projects wanting to move from surviving to thriving in our complex world.